Earth Dodges Bullets as the Sun’s Farside Blasts Wide | Space Weather Spotlight 20 June 2024

This week our Sun stays active but has terrible aim. Earth has dodged at least four solar storms launched off the Earth-facing Sun. The only expected impact will be from some fast solar wind over the next couple of days, but that shouldn’t cause too much trouble for radio amateurs participating in “Field Day” this weekend. Aurora photographers at high latitudes might get a chance for some good views though. We are also anticipating old Region 3697, which will begin to rotate back into Earth view starting around Saturday. Expect the chance for big flares and radio blackouts to begin to rise again as we move into next week. This region has been busy firing big flares and storms on the Sun’s farside so we could see this behavior continue once it rotates into view. Learn the details of the coming fast solar wind, watch some of the gorgeous filament eruptions over the past couple of days, as well as some that have yet to erupt, and see what else our Sun has in store.

Our Sun Puts on a Far Side Show While Earth Waits | Space Weather News 16 June 2024

This week our Sun sends the bulk of activity to the farside. Region 3697 continues to launch strong events, but they are hammering Mars instead of Earth this week. At our planet, we are dealing with low-level radio blackouts from Region 3712 and a few mini solar storms, but we have one mystery. There is a solar storm that has a clear signature in coronagraphs but no clear signature on the solar disk itself. As such, the agencies disagree as to whether or not the storm is Earth-directed. Discover the details leading to this mystery, get an idea of what is happening at Mars, and see what else our Sun has in store. Want early access to these forecasts, tutorials on Space Weather, & more? Visit:

The Sun Pranks Us with a Halo | Space Weather Spotlight 6 June 2024

Our Sun decides to play a prank on us by launching a far sided solar storm at the same time Region 3697 on the front sided Sun fired off an X-class flare. The combination of events caused many would-be forecasters to assume we had a strong solar storm headed towards us again, just like we did in early May. But Nope! The Sun was simply testing to see who was paying close attention. This is a real reminder that although space weather phenomena are easy to see, they arent always easy to interpret properly. Learn the details of this solar prankster, see what regions are lurking on the far side, and find else our Sun has in store this week. Want early access to these forecasts, tutorials on Space Weather, & more? Visit:

It’s Back The Super Solar Storm & X-Flare Producer Returns | Space Weather News 28 May 2024

This week all eyes are on the Sun as old Region 3664 (now renumbered Region 3697) returns to Earth-view. This region has already launched an X-class flare (possibly higher than an X4!) before it fully has rotated into view on the East limb. Although, I doubt it will repeat the same intensity of solar storm launches it did the last time around (remember it launched 8 solar storms at Earth within 48 hours), this region does still have the potential to produce large X-class flares and strong solar storms. This means we all need to stay vigilant, watch the activity unfold, and plan accordingly.

In this full Space Weather News Forecast, not only do I go over all of the activity from this region in detail as it transited the farside, but I also go over some of the lesser-known, but highly impactful consequences of the recent G5-level super storm from the last time this region was in view. Learn the details of the activity surrounding this region, see why radio blackouts are back on the menu, and find out what else our Sun has in store.

An Extreme G4 Solar Storm Train, Eight Storms Race to Earth | Space Weather Spotlight 10 May 2024

The first solar storm in this train has hit! The storm is quite fast so the initial impact caused a momentary G4-level response. Radiation Storm and Polar Aviation 5-Day Outlook 00:18:29 | Summary Right now we are sitting at G3+ levels due to a strong, but wildly fluctuating magnetic field. This is expected while we travel through the “turbulent” outer envelope of this fast-moving storm. Aurora views will likely grace the skies tonight through the weekend as this series of storms hit back-to-back. Learn the details of how this solar storm train came about, learn where and when aurora will be visible, discover how these storms are impacting communications and navigation around the globe, and find out how they might impact you.

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Fast Solar Wind, a Mini-Solar Storm, and a Whole Lot of Flaring | Space Weather News 24 April 2024

This week our Sun decides to show us how busy things can get during solar maximum. We have 18 sunspot clusters in Earth-view, including multiple big-flare players that are making a lot of noise on the dayside radio bands. Luckily, the numerous radio blackouts are mostly short-lived and only at the R1-level so they are more a minor inconvenience than anything. Radio flux has also topped the 200s again (with a peak over 250! for a short while), which means radio propagation is good, even on the nightside, but GPS users at low latitudes might find this high level causes more reception issues, especially in the afternoon and early evenings. As far as storming goes, we are expecting some fast solar wind along with a partially Earth-directed solar storm coming over the next few days, which will give aurora photographers some aurora to smile about, especially at high latitudes. Learn the details of the coming solar storm and fast solar wind, see when these radio blackouts might die down, and find out what else our Sun has in store.

A Solar Storm Comes with Flares on the Rise | Space Weather News 18 March 2024

This week our Sun kicks activity into high gear with multiple solar storm launches, including one that is Earth-directed. Although not a direct hit, it could bring aurora to mid-latitudes for a short while starting March 20. In addition, we have a whole cluster of active regions rotating into Earth-view. Several of these are big-flare players, including a returning region that was an X-flare player the last time it was in view. Amateur radio operators should expect more noise on the dayside radio bands along with periodic radio blackouts. GPS users should also stay vigilant, especially at high latitudes as we have an ongoing radiation storm that could affect reception. Also, when the solar storm hits, GPS reception could be more problematic near aurora and near dawn and dusk. Learn the details of the coming solar storm, watch the new flare activity, and see what else our Sun has in store.

An Earth-Directed Solar Storm Comes & New Flares Pop | Solar Storm Forecast 8 March 2024

We have a lot of filaments and new active regions in Earth-view this week and although we havent had much in the way of flare activity, things are picking up. In fact, a partly Earth-directed solar storm is on its way to earth and could give us some aurora by March 9th. Aurora photographers at high-latitudes could get some extended shows. We are also keeping our eye on several active regions, especially Region 3599 as it has become a big-flare player. Amateur radio operators should enjoy some decent radio propagation this week, but know that noise is beginning to pick up on the dayside radio bands again. We might even get a few radio blackouts this week. However, the big risk for radio blackouts will come next week when old Region 3590 returns into Earth-view. Learn the details of the coming solar storm, watch Region 3599 light up with new flare activity, and see what else our Sun has in store.

The Biggest X-flare Yet Shooting Blanks | Space Weather News 24 February 2024

Our Sun has gotten busy this week firing multiple X-class flares including the largest of this cycle thus far. All the noise is due to Region 3590, which has been actively firing flares even before it rotated into Earth view. Amateur radio operators, aviators, and GPS users are dealing with R2 and R3-level radio blackouts on Earth’s dayside and this trend will likely continue through the rest of this week. Despite all of its flaring, Region 3590 still has not launched any noteworthy solar storms (towards Earth or otherwise). The reason is likely due to it having no more overlying material to evacuate. It seems all of its overlying material was launched while the region was on the farside of the Sun. In other words, Region 3590’s “solar storm” gun has run out of bullets. At least for now. This means aurora photographers will have to settle for the weak filament eruption and fast solar wind chaser that will be hitting over the next couple days. (Early signs show the weak filament may be hitting Earth now). The combined effects could bring a little aurora down to mid-latitudes, but it will be sporadic and short-lived at best. Learn how Region 3590 can fire the largest flare of this solar cycle, yet shoot solar storm “blanks” at Earth, see the effects on radio communications with all of these radio blackouts, and find out what is in store with the expected, wispy solar storm.

A Big X-Flare, a Near X, & Three Earth-Directed Storms | Space Weather Spotlight 11 February 2024

Our Sun has gotten so busy over the past week that I have had to update this forecast three times before releasing it to the public! This week our Sun has fired no less than seven mid-to-high M-class flares along with an X-class flare and has launched at least three Earth-directed solar storms. This means aurora photographers have something to look forward to, especially near February 12- 14. Aurora photographers clear down to mid-latitudes have a good chance to catch some aurora views during a series of solar storms headed towards Earth. In addition, big solar flares and radio blackouts continue to impact the dayside of Earth. Amateur radio operators and GPS users should remain vigilant this week as the chance for big radio blackouts up to the R3-level is high. Aviators should also take heed since we have an S2-level radiation storm ongoing with a polar cap absorption event that could cause additional trouble for navigation and HF radio communications, especially over the poles. Learn the details of the coming solar storms, see why big radio blackouts remain on the menu, and find out what else our Sun has in store.